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Masters of the Universe: Fields of Eternia - Deutsch

Produktinformationen "Masters of the Universe: Fields of Eternia - Deutsch"

Fields of Eternia ist ein abenteuerorientiertes Taktik- und Strategiespiel mit epischen Kampagnen, die allein oder mit Freunden und Familie gespielt werden können. Dein Ziel ist es, Truppen zu sammeln und zu rekrutieren, spannende Quests zu erfüllen, uralte und mächtige Artefakte zu sammeln und Fahrzeuge zu bauen, um als Sieger aus der Eroberung von Eternia hervorzugehen. Skeletor hat es endlich geschafft: Er ist in der Zeit zurückgereist, um gegen König Grayskull zu kämpfen, lange bevor es König Randor und Prinz Adam überhaupt gab. Verhindere, dass Skeletor die Geschichte verändert! Folge ihm, während du Verbündete sammelst und König Grayskull hilfst.
Verhindere die Invasion der bösen Krieger. Während des Spiels müssen die Spieler die vielen Berge, Wälder und Sümpfe durchqueren, während sie Quests annehmen, um ihre gewählten Charaktere zu stärken, und dabei auf bekannte Feinde und Monster treffen. Zähme wilde Bestien, um sie über die Ebenen und in die Schlacht zu reiten. Erfülle Missionen, um die Kontrolle über wichtige Orte im Land zu übernehmen und deine Macht zu vergrößern.
Alter ab: 12 Jahre
Spielart: Strategiespiel Würfelspiel
Spieldauer ab: 90 Minuten
Spieleranzahl: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Spieleranzahl kurz: 1-6
Sprache: Deutsch
Alter ab: 12 Jahre
Hersteller: Archon Studios
Hersteller "Archon sp. z o.o."

Archon sp. z o.o. Warsztatowa 8 64-920 Pila www.archon-studio.com WEEE-Nummer:

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Bestand: 6 Stück
Masters of the Universe Battleground deutsch
Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the Evil Warriors. During the game, each player controls characters from one of these forces and equips them with a variety of weapons and items. Then, each player attempts to claim objectives, complete side missions, and defeat the opposing force. With hundreds of characters and equipment combinations and an innovative activation system, each game of Masters of the Universe™: Battleground offers a unique and exciting experience. Do you have what it takes to be the Master of the Universe? TWO-PLAYER STARTER SET INCLUDES: • 1 x 32-page Rulebook • 1 x 12-page Battleground Book • 1 x 22"x30" Battleground game board • 5 x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 5 x Evil Warriors miniatures • 227 x Various cards • 108 x Various tokens • 10 x D6 dice • 40 x Various terrain pieces • 2 x Rulers (12" and 16") Free He-Man™ with Battle Cat™ tournament promo miniature with every 3 core games of the same language ordered. All models come unpainted and unassembled!

99,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Masters of the Universe Faction - DE
Two Generations of Sorceresses The Warrior Goddess Teela and the mysterious Sorceress appear on the battlefield. The magical abilities of the Masters of the Universe are growing in strength! From now on, the enemies will have to face new spells and force fields set in the arena. By the power of Grayskull! The forces of Evil will be overcome! EXPANSION PACK INCLUDES: • 1x Set of additional rules • 1x Manual • 2x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 16x Various cards • 3x Terrain accessories All products come unpainted and unassembled!

20,00 €*


Bestand: 6 Stück
Masters of the Universe Battleground deutsch
Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the Evil Warriors. During the game, each player controls characters from one of these forces and equips them with a variety of weapons and items. Then, each player attempts to claim objectives, complete side missions, and defeat the opposing force. With hundreds of characters and equipment combinations and an innovative activation system, each game of Masters of the Universe™: Battleground offers a unique and exciting experience. Do you have what it takes to be the Master of the Universe? TWO-PLAYER STARTER SET INCLUDES: • 1 x 32-page Rulebook • 1 x 12-page Battleground Book • 1 x 22"x30" Battleground game board • 5 x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 5 x Evil Warriors miniatures • 227 x Various cards • 108 x Various tokens • 10 x D6 dice • 40 x Various terrain pieces • 2 x Rulers (12" and 16") Free He-Man™ with Battle Cat™ tournament promo miniature with every 3 core games of the same language ordered. All models come unpainted and unassembled!

99,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Masters of the Universe Faction - DE
Two Generations of Sorceresses The Warrior Goddess Teela and the mysterious Sorceress appear on the battlefield. The magical abilities of the Masters of the Universe are growing in strength! From now on, the enemies will have to face new spells and force fields set in the arena. By the power of Grayskull! The forces of Evil will be overcome! EXPANSION PACK INCLUDES: • 1x Set of additional rules • 1x Manual • 2x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 16x Various cards • 3x Terrain accessories All products come unpainted and unassembled!

20,00 €*


Bestand: 6 Stück
Masters of the Universe Battleground deutsch
Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the Evil Warriors. During the game, each player controls characters from one of these forces and equips them with a variety of weapons and items. Then, each player attempts to claim objectives, complete side missions, and defeat the opposing force. With hundreds of characters and equipment combinations and an innovative activation system, each game of Masters of the Universe™: Battleground offers a unique and exciting experience. Do you have what it takes to be the Master of the Universe? TWO-PLAYER STARTER SET INCLUDES: • 1 x 32-page Rulebook • 1 x 12-page Battleground Book • 1 x 22"x30" Battleground game board • 5 x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 5 x Evil Warriors miniatures • 227 x Various cards • 108 x Various tokens • 10 x D6 dice • 40 x Various terrain pieces • 2 x Rulers (12" and 16") Free He-Man™ with Battle Cat™ tournament promo miniature with every 3 core games of the same language ordered. All models come unpainted and unassembled!

99,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Masters of the Universe Faction - DE
Two Generations of Sorceresses The Warrior Goddess Teela and the mysterious Sorceress appear on the battlefield. The magical abilities of the Masters of the Universe are growing in strength! From now on, the enemies will have to face new spells and force fields set in the arena. By the power of Grayskull! The forces of Evil will be overcome! EXPANSION PACK INCLUDES: • 1x Set of additional rules • 1x Manual • 2x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 16x Various cards • 3x Terrain accessories All products come unpainted and unassembled!

20,00 €*


Bestand: 6 Stück
Masters of the Universe Battleground deutsch
Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the Evil Warriors. During the game, each player controls characters from one of these forces and equips them with a variety of weapons and items. Then, each player attempts to claim objectives, complete side missions, and defeat the opposing force. With hundreds of characters and equipment combinations and an innovative activation system, each game of Masters of the Universe™: Battleground offers a unique and exciting experience. Do you have what it takes to be the Master of the Universe? TWO-PLAYER STARTER SET INCLUDES: • 1 x 32-page Rulebook • 1 x 12-page Battleground Book • 1 x 22"x30" Battleground game board • 5 x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 5 x Evil Warriors miniatures • 227 x Various cards • 108 x Various tokens • 10 x D6 dice • 40 x Various terrain pieces • 2 x Rulers (12" and 16") Free He-Man™ with Battle Cat™ tournament promo miniature with every 3 core games of the same language ordered. All models come unpainted and unassembled!

99,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Masters of the Universe Faction - DE
Two Generations of Sorceresses The Warrior Goddess Teela and the mysterious Sorceress appear on the battlefield. The magical abilities of the Masters of the Universe are growing in strength! From now on, the enemies will have to face new spells and force fields set in the arena. By the power of Grayskull! The forces of Evil will be overcome! EXPANSION PACK INCLUDES: • 1x Set of additional rules • 1x Manual • 2x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 16x Various cards • 3x Terrain accessories All products come unpainted and unassembled!

20,00 €*


Bestand: 6 Stück
Masters of the Universe Battleground deutsch
Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the Evil Warriors. During the game, each player controls characters from one of these forces and equips them with a variety of weapons and items. Then, each player attempts to claim objectives, complete side missions, and defeat the opposing force. With hundreds of characters and equipment combinations and an innovative activation system, each game of Masters of the Universe™: Battleground offers a unique and exciting experience. Do you have what it takes to be the Master of the Universe? TWO-PLAYER STARTER SET INCLUDES: • 1 x 32-page Rulebook • 1 x 12-page Battleground Book • 1 x 22"x30" Battleground game board • 5 x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 5 x Evil Warriors miniatures • 227 x Various cards • 108 x Various tokens • 10 x D6 dice • 40 x Various terrain pieces • 2 x Rulers (12" and 16") Free He-Man™ with Battle Cat™ tournament promo miniature with every 3 core games of the same language ordered. All models come unpainted and unassembled!

99,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Masters of the Universe Faction - DE
Two Generations of Sorceresses The Warrior Goddess Teela and the mysterious Sorceress appear on the battlefield. The magical abilities of the Masters of the Universe are growing in strength! From now on, the enemies will have to face new spells and force fields set in the arena. By the power of Grayskull! The forces of Evil will be overcome! EXPANSION PACK INCLUDES: • 1x Set of additional rules • 1x Manual • 2x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 16x Various cards • 3x Terrain accessories All products come unpainted and unassembled!

20,00 €*


Bestand: 6 Stück
Masters of the Universe Battleground deutsch
Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the Evil Warriors. During the game, each player controls characters from one of these forces and equips them with a variety of weapons and items. Then, each player attempts to claim objectives, complete side missions, and defeat the opposing force. With hundreds of characters and equipment combinations and an innovative activation system, each game of Masters of the Universe™: Battleground offers a unique and exciting experience. Do you have what it takes to be the Master of the Universe? TWO-PLAYER STARTER SET INCLUDES: • 1 x 32-page Rulebook • 1 x 12-page Battleground Book • 1 x 22"x30" Battleground game board • 5 x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 5 x Evil Warriors miniatures • 227 x Various cards • 108 x Various tokens • 10 x D6 dice • 40 x Various terrain pieces • 2 x Rulers (12" and 16") Free He-Man™ with Battle Cat™ tournament promo miniature with every 3 core games of the same language ordered. All models come unpainted and unassembled!

99,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Masters of the Universe Faction - DE
Two Generations of Sorceresses The Warrior Goddess Teela and the mysterious Sorceress appear on the battlefield. The magical abilities of the Masters of the Universe are growing in strength! From now on, the enemies will have to face new spells and force fields set in the arena. By the power of Grayskull! The forces of Evil will be overcome! EXPANSION PACK INCLUDES: • 1x Set of additional rules • 1x Manual • 2x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 16x Various cards • 3x Terrain accessories All products come unpainted and unassembled!

20,00 €*


Bestand: 6 Stück
Masters of the Universe Battleground deutsch
Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the Evil Warriors. During the game, each player controls characters from one of these forces and equips them with a variety of weapons and items. Then, each player attempts to claim objectives, complete side missions, and defeat the opposing force. With hundreds of characters and equipment combinations and an innovative activation system, each game of Masters of the Universe™: Battleground offers a unique and exciting experience. Do you have what it takes to be the Master of the Universe? TWO-PLAYER STARTER SET INCLUDES: • 1 x 32-page Rulebook • 1 x 12-page Battleground Book • 1 x 22"x30" Battleground game board • 5 x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 5 x Evil Warriors miniatures • 227 x Various cards • 108 x Various tokens • 10 x D6 dice • 40 x Various terrain pieces • 2 x Rulers (12" and 16") Free He-Man™ with Battle Cat™ tournament promo miniature with every 3 core games of the same language ordered. All models come unpainted and unassembled!

99,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Masters of the Universe Faction - DE
Two Generations of Sorceresses The Warrior Goddess Teela and the mysterious Sorceress appear on the battlefield. The magical abilities of the Masters of the Universe are growing in strength! From now on, the enemies will have to face new spells and force fields set in the arena. By the power of Grayskull! The forces of Evil will be overcome! EXPANSION PACK INCLUDES: • 1x Set of additional rules • 1x Manual • 2x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 16x Various cards • 3x Terrain accessories All products come unpainted and unassembled!

20,00 €*


Bestand: 6 Stück
Masters of the Universe Battleground deutsch
Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the Evil Warriors. During the game, each player controls characters from one of these forces and equips them with a variety of weapons and items. Then, each player attempts to claim objectives, complete side missions, and defeat the opposing force. With hundreds of characters and equipment combinations and an innovative activation system, each game of Masters of the Universe™: Battleground offers a unique and exciting experience. Do you have what it takes to be the Master of the Universe? TWO-PLAYER STARTER SET INCLUDES: • 1 x 32-page Rulebook • 1 x 12-page Battleground Book • 1 x 22"x30" Battleground game board • 5 x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 5 x Evil Warriors miniatures • 227 x Various cards • 108 x Various tokens • 10 x D6 dice • 40 x Various terrain pieces • 2 x Rulers (12" and 16") Free He-Man™ with Battle Cat™ tournament promo miniature with every 3 core games of the same language ordered. All models come unpainted and unassembled!

99,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Masters of the Universe Faction - DE
Two Generations of Sorceresses The Warrior Goddess Teela and the mysterious Sorceress appear on the battlefield. The magical abilities of the Masters of the Universe are growing in strength! From now on, the enemies will have to face new spells and force fields set in the arena. By the power of Grayskull! The forces of Evil will be overcome! EXPANSION PACK INCLUDES: • 1x Set of additional rules • 1x Manual • 2x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 16x Various cards • 3x Terrain accessories All products come unpainted and unassembled!

20,00 €*


Bestand: 6 Stück
Masters of the Universe Battleground deutsch
Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the Evil Warriors. During the game, each player controls characters from one of these forces and equips them with a variety of weapons and items. Then, each player attempts to claim objectives, complete side missions, and defeat the opposing force. With hundreds of characters and equipment combinations and an innovative activation system, each game of Masters of the Universe™: Battleground offers a unique and exciting experience. Do you have what it takes to be the Master of the Universe? TWO-PLAYER STARTER SET INCLUDES: • 1 x 32-page Rulebook • 1 x 12-page Battleground Book • 1 x 22"x30" Battleground game board • 5 x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 5 x Evil Warriors miniatures • 227 x Various cards • 108 x Various tokens • 10 x D6 dice • 40 x Various terrain pieces • 2 x Rulers (12" and 16") Free He-Man™ with Battle Cat™ tournament promo miniature with every 3 core games of the same language ordered. All models come unpainted and unassembled!

99,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Masters of the Universe Faction - DE
Two Generations of Sorceresses The Warrior Goddess Teela and the mysterious Sorceress appear on the battlefield. The magical abilities of the Masters of the Universe are growing in strength! From now on, the enemies will have to face new spells and force fields set in the arena. By the power of Grayskull! The forces of Evil will be overcome! EXPANSION PACK INCLUDES: • 1x Set of additional rules • 1x Manual • 2x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 16x Various cards • 3x Terrain accessories All products come unpainted and unassembled!

20,00 €*


Bestand: 6 Stück
Masters of the Universe Battleground deutsch
Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the Evil Warriors. During the game, each player controls characters from one of these forces and equips them with a variety of weapons and items. Then, each player attempts to claim objectives, complete side missions, and defeat the opposing force. With hundreds of characters and equipment combinations and an innovative activation system, each game of Masters of the Universe™: Battleground offers a unique and exciting experience. Do you have what it takes to be the Master of the Universe? TWO-PLAYER STARTER SET INCLUDES: • 1 x 32-page Rulebook • 1 x 12-page Battleground Book • 1 x 22"x30" Battleground game board • 5 x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 5 x Evil Warriors miniatures • 227 x Various cards • 108 x Various tokens • 10 x D6 dice • 40 x Various terrain pieces • 2 x Rulers (12" and 16") Free He-Man™ with Battle Cat™ tournament promo miniature with every 3 core games of the same language ordered. All models come unpainted and unassembled!

99,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Masters of the Universe Faction - DE
Two Generations of Sorceresses The Warrior Goddess Teela and the mysterious Sorceress appear on the battlefield. The magical abilities of the Masters of the Universe are growing in strength! From now on, the enemies will have to face new spells and force fields set in the arena. By the power of Grayskull! The forces of Evil will be overcome! EXPANSION PACK INCLUDES: • 1x Set of additional rules • 1x Manual • 2x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 16x Various cards • 3x Terrain accessories All products come unpainted and unassembled!

20,00 €*


Bestand: 6 Stück
Masters of the Universe Battleground deutsch
Masters of the Universe™: Battleground is a two-player fantasy skirmish game representing the war between the two powerful forces of Eternia: the Masters of the Universe™ and the Evil Warriors. During the game, each player controls characters from one of these forces and equips them with a variety of weapons and items. Then, each player attempts to claim objectives, complete side missions, and defeat the opposing force. With hundreds of characters and equipment combinations and an innovative activation system, each game of Masters of the Universe™: Battleground offers a unique and exciting experience. Do you have what it takes to be the Master of the Universe? TWO-PLAYER STARTER SET INCLUDES: • 1 x 32-page Rulebook • 1 x 12-page Battleground Book • 1 x 22"x30" Battleground game board • 5 x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 5 x Evil Warriors miniatures • 227 x Various cards • 108 x Various tokens • 10 x D6 dice • 40 x Various terrain pieces • 2 x Rulers (12" and 16") Free He-Man™ with Battle Cat™ tournament promo miniature with every 3 core games of the same language ordered. All models come unpainted and unassembled!

99,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
MotU Battleground - Wave 1: Masters of the Universe Faction - DE
Two Generations of Sorceresses The Warrior Goddess Teela and the mysterious Sorceress appear on the battlefield. The magical abilities of the Masters of the Universe are growing in strength! From now on, the enemies will have to face new spells and force fields set in the arena. By the power of Grayskull! The forces of Evil will be overcome! EXPANSION PACK INCLUDES: • 1x Set of additional rules • 1x Manual • 2x Masters of the Universe miniatures • 16x Various cards • 3x Terrain accessories All products come unpainted and unassembled!

20,00 €*