The American M4A3E8 Sherman is a favourite tank for all ‘Furious’ commanders. This version is an upgrade over previous Shermans with a Firepower of 5, and 5 Hit Points. Turbocharger and a Ford GAA engine boost the M4A3E8s Initiative to an impressive 10 in the movement phase so you can get the jump on your opponent. Use this tank straight out of the box, or enhance it with a wide variety of upgrades to meet your situational and strategic needs.
The British Challenger is the perfect tank-destroyer for an aggressive commander, combining 3 Mobility to quickly relocate and find enemy flanks with 6 Firepower to dish out huge damage, whilst having great staying power with good Survivability and Hit Points. Mounting the Avenger Turret paired with the OQF 32-PDR AT Gun Mk. II turn the Challenger into a glass canon, trading some of its Survivability for even more Firepower for when you really need to blow some tanks up.
The German Tiger II is the biggest tank in the game thus far, but it’s not just for show! With its high Survivability, in combination with the Heavy Tank rule, this behemoth will be hard to take down. If that wasn’t enough, it also comes with the Tiger II Serienturm Turret upgrade card which adds an additional point of Survivability, and Improved Hardening for an extra Hit Point. This iconic piece of German engineering is ready to roll out and dominate the battlefield.
With over 8,000 tanks built during the war, the T-70 was the mainstay of Soviet light tank units. Its high Initiative and the Light Tank rule make it an excellent option to support slower tanks in the Platoon where it can help them maximise their damage potential.
The IS-2 is a Soviet heavy tank, named after the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. It was developed and saw combat during World War II and saw service in other Soviet allied countries after the war. Featuring a high Firepower and the Big Gun rule, the IS-2 will win most head-to-head shootouts.
Unofficially nicknamed zveroboy, this beast killer was built in response to the increasing numbers of German heavy tanks appearing on the battlefields of the Eastern Front. The ISU-152 has excellent Survivability and features a powerful gun with an increased chance of causing Critical Hits on enemy tanks.
The M103 is the peak of American Heavy Tank Design. Its 120mm cannon will make a mess of any enemy tank and its high survivability allows it to shrug off all but the biggest hits. Inside the M103 Expansion Pack, you will find a highly detailed, assembled, pre-primed plastic M103 tank miniature and tank card. Your tank can be further personalised to match your requirements using the five crew, module, and upgrade cards included. Buy yours today from your FLGS, favourite online retailer or direct from us at the button below!
Der amerikanische M18 Hellcat ist ein aggressiver Panzerzerstörer, der überall auf dem Schlachtfeld eingesetzt werden kann, um Gegner herauszufordern. Hohe Feuerkraft, Mobilität und Initiative machen ihn ohne Aufrüstungen einsatzfähig, aber einige Optionen können diesen Panzer wirklich glänzen lassen!
The M3 Lee is a unique Tank Destroyer in that it mounts a powerful gun in the hull, along with a second gun in a small turret. Contains a pre-painted Tank, 5 Crew, Module, and Upgrade Cards, and an Online Bonus Code.
Der M4A1 Sherman (76mm) ist, genau wie sein etwas schwächerer Bruder, einer der bekanntesten Panzer des Zweiten Weltkriegs und kann in fast jeder Rolle auf dem Schlachtfeld zuverlässig eingesetzt werden. Er bringt solide Werte mit, wobei seine Feuerkraft mit 5 aus der Masse hervorsticht, was bedeutet, dass man mit wenig bis gar keinen Upgrades auskommt. Natürlich, wenn Sie eine gute Sache besser machen wollen, dann ist es schwer, einen Vertikalstabilisator zu schlagen, um Ihrem Panzer einen Vorteil in der Bewegung zu geben, während der Wright Continental R-975C4 Motor, der Ihre Panzer Initiative verbessert, kann sowohl M4 Sherman Varianten profitieren, sowie die "noch zu veröffentlichen" M18 Hellcat (kann jemand sagen "Spoiler"?).
The American M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo is the big-boned brother of the classic Sherman, with 2 Survivability making this a tough target to damage. Turbocharger and the Ford GAA Engine help the Jumbo position, while the 76mm Gun M1A1 makes it pack a little more punch.
The American T26E4 Super Pershing is a Medium tank wearing Heavy tank clothing! With big Survivability and big Firepower this tank is ready to brawl with the heavies. Attach a full crew with a Mentor Commander and an Improved Rotation Mechanism to increase the Initiative and get a tactical edge. Inside the American T26E4 Super Pershing Expansion, you will find a highly detailed, assembled, pre-primed plastic American T26E4 Super Pershing tank miniature and tank card. Your tank can be further personalised to match your requirements using the five crew, module, and upgrade cards included.
The British Achilles takes the flexibility of the American M10 Wolverine and throws a bigger gun into the mix to increase the lethality! Marcus Quince with Situational Awareness and Improved Aiming quickly improve the Achilles’ Initiative to make a truly scary Tank Destroyer.
Der britische Bogenschütze ist eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, viel Feuerkraft für wenig Geld auf den Tisch zu bringen. Da er auf dem Valentine-Fahrgestell aufgebaut ist, hat er eine geringe Beweglichkeit und Überlebensfähigkeit, aber mit der Sonderregel Panzerzerstörer kann man dies durch etwas Deckung abmildern. Die OQF 17-Pdr AT Gun Mk. VII ist ein einfacher Weg, um zusätzliche Angriffswürfel zu erhalten.
The British Churchill I is a Heavy tank for the Budget conscious commander. Where it shines is its flexibility with Upgrade Modules – upgrade to the Churchill III turret, swap out for the QF 2-Pdr Mk.X or 75mm Vickers HV gun and you can build this tank to fill whatever need you have. Inside the Churchill I Expansion Pack, you will find a highly detailed, assembled, pre-primed plastic Churchill I tank miniature and tank card. Your tank can be further personalised to match your requirements using the five crew, module, and upgrade cards included.
Der Churchill VII könnte niemals mit einem Rennwagen verwechselt werden, aber was ihm an Mobilität fehlt, macht er mit einem Überlebenswert von 3 mehr als wett!Der Churchill VII ist schwerer zu besiegen als ein wütender Elefant! Der Churchill VII ist auch deshalb so interessant, weil er mit einer Reihe von großartigen Optionen ausgestattet ist, mit denen Sie den Panzer Ihren speziellen Bedürfnissen anpassen können. Tausche ihn gegen einen Churchill VI-Turm aus und reduziere deine Feuerkraft ein wenig, aber gewinne die Festungsregel, oder rüste die Kanone gegen die OQF 77mm Kanone Mk. II auf, um eine zusätzliche Feuerkraft auf Kosten deiner Initiative zu erhalten.
The Comet looks a little like the trusty Cromwell but on steroids. It is one of those tanks that you could run naked without any addition crew or equipment if you wanted, trusting it’s great mobility, above average firepower and mobility and finally, outstanding survivability (for a Medium tank). Of course there is also a school of thought that suggests doubling down on your best tank with a few upgrades will help you squeeze a little more out of it. Adding a driver with Preventative Maintenance will reduce the number of incoming critical hits, whilst a commander with Jack Of All Trades will give you that initiative boost when you need it so help you move of shoot at the right time
This wave is the Self Propelled Gun wave, and we kick things off with the Brits! The British Sexton II is an SPG for the commander on a budget. SPGs bring a raft of new mechanics to the game, and the Sexton II is no exception; use Burst HE Shells to cause a massive explosion, stunning all nearby tanks, or load Light HEAT Shells for more damage. Of course, the highlight of SPGs is their ability to fire anywhere at any spotted target, so add Requesting Fire and your British can now receive support anywhere on the table.
The only Light Tank in Wave 1, the Valentine brings some awesome synergies to the rest of its Platoon, but only if it can get close to its target. Contains a pre-painted Tank, 5 Crew, Module, and Upgrade Cards, and an Online Bonus Code.
The German Jagdpanther takes the mobility of the legendary Panther and mounts a bigger gun in a stealthy Tank Destroyer package. Use Markus Theissen’s Intuition perk or the 10.5cm PaK L/52 Gun to boost Initiative, and take Sixth Sense to ensure this Assault Gun isn’t flanked.
1x Panzer Miniature Stat Cards
Alle Modelle in World of Tanks bestehen aus Kunststoff und werden zusammengebaut, grundiert und kampfbereit geliefert.
Der deutsche Jagdtiger ist eine Ein-Tank-Armee, mit 7 Feuerkraft und 4 Überlebensfähigkeit. Alles, was er braucht, ist eine freie Sichtlinie und ein Ziel! Das massive Geschütz verfügt außerdem über die Big-Gun-Regel. Rüste ein Fernglas aus, um einen weiteren Treffer auf kritisch zu erhöhen, vorausgesetzt, der Panzer bleibt stationär, und du hast eine unveränderliche Panzerzerstörungsmaschine!
The German Nashorn continues the trend of big German machinery, but on a budget! With 6 Firepower this is a cheap way to bring some big firepower to the table. A Camouflage Net is a must to add some Survivability while installing the smaller 7.5cm Pak 42 L/70 with a Gun Rammer can provide you with some needed Initiative. Inside the Nashorn Expansion Pack, you will find a highly detailed, assembled, pre-primed plastic Nashorn tank miniature and tank card. Your tank can be further personalised to match your requirements using the five crew, module, and upgrade cards included.