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Paladins of the West Kingdom

Produktinformationen "Paladins of the West Kingdom"
Paladins of the West Kingdom is set at a turbulent time of West Francia's story, circa 900 AD. Despite recent efforts to develop the city, outlying townships are still under threat from outsiders. As noble men and women, players must gather workers from the city to defend against enemies, build fortifications and spread faith throughout the land. In his great wisdom, the King has sent his finest knights to help aid in our efforts. The Paladins are approaching. The aim of Paladins of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end.
Alter ab: 12 Jahre
Spielart: Deckbuilder Strategiespiel
Spieldauer ab: 90 Minuten
Spieleranzahl: 1 2 3 4
Spieleranzahl kurz: 1-4
Sprache: Englisch
Alter ab: 12 Jahre
Hersteller: Renegade Game Studios


Bestand: 1 Stück
Paladine des Westfrankenreichs
Das Westfrankenreich, etwa im Jahr 900 n. Chr.: Es herrschen turbulente Zeiten. Trotz kürzlicher Bestrebungen, die Stadt zu entwickeln, sind außerhalb liegende Stadtteile immer noch durch Fremde bedroht. Sarazenen spähen die Grenzen aus und Wikinger plündern Vieh und alles andere, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist. Auch die Byzantiner aus dem Osten zeigen sich von ihrer dunklen Seite. Zum Glück hat der König hat in seiner großen Weisheit seine besten Ritter ausgeschickt, um bei der Rettung der Stadt zu helfen. Also sattelt die Pferde und schärft eure Schwerter - die Paladine sind im Anmarsch! In Paladine des Westfrankenreichs setzen die Spieler ihre Arbeiter ein, um Außenposten als Garnison zu errichten, Befestigungen zu bauen, Mönchen zu entsenden und die Fremden zu konfrontieren. In jeder Runde beanspruchen die Spieler die Hilfe eines bestimmten Paladins und heuern Arbeiter an, um bestimmte Aufgaben zu erledigen. Im Laufe des Spiels gewinnen die Spieler nach und nach an Glauben, Stärke und Einfluss. Diese Eigenschaften sind nicht nur für die Schlusswertung wichtig, sondern auch von Bedeutung für die Aktionen, die ausgeführt werden können.

60,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Viscounts of the West Kingdom
Viscounts of the West Kingdom is set at a time when the King’s reign began to decline, circa 980 AD. Choosing peace over prosperity, our once strong King began offering our enemies gold and land to lay down their axes. But peace is a tenuous affair. As poverty spread, many people lost faith in his ability to lead and sought independence from the crown. Since finding favour in his courts, our future has also become uncertain. As viscounts, we must be wise and decisive. Loyalty is to be upheld, but gaining favour among the people must be our priority, should there be a sudden shift in power. The aim of Viscounts of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing buildings, writing manuscripts, working in the castle and acquiring deeds for new land. Players begin with a handful of townsfolk, but should quickly seek out more suitable talents to advance their endeavours. Each turn they will be travelling around the kingdom, looking to increase their influence among the various areas of society. The game ends once the Kingdom reaches poverty or prosperity - or potentially both!

70,00 €*


Bestand: 1 Stück
Paladine des Westfrankenreichs
Das Westfrankenreich, etwa im Jahr 900 n. Chr.: Es herrschen turbulente Zeiten. Trotz kürzlicher Bestrebungen, die Stadt zu entwickeln, sind außerhalb liegende Stadtteile immer noch durch Fremde bedroht. Sarazenen spähen die Grenzen aus und Wikinger plündern Vieh und alles andere, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist. Auch die Byzantiner aus dem Osten zeigen sich von ihrer dunklen Seite. Zum Glück hat der König hat in seiner großen Weisheit seine besten Ritter ausgeschickt, um bei der Rettung der Stadt zu helfen. Also sattelt die Pferde und schärft eure Schwerter - die Paladine sind im Anmarsch! In Paladine des Westfrankenreichs setzen die Spieler ihre Arbeiter ein, um Außenposten als Garnison zu errichten, Befestigungen zu bauen, Mönchen zu entsenden und die Fremden zu konfrontieren. In jeder Runde beanspruchen die Spieler die Hilfe eines bestimmten Paladins und heuern Arbeiter an, um bestimmte Aufgaben zu erledigen. Im Laufe des Spiels gewinnen die Spieler nach und nach an Glauben, Stärke und Einfluss. Diese Eigenschaften sind nicht nur für die Schlusswertung wichtig, sondern auch von Bedeutung für die Aktionen, die ausgeführt werden können.

60,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Viscounts of the West Kingdom
Viscounts of the West Kingdom is set at a time when the King’s reign began to decline, circa 980 AD. Choosing peace over prosperity, our once strong King began offering our enemies gold and land to lay down their axes. But peace is a tenuous affair. As poverty spread, many people lost faith in his ability to lead and sought independence from the crown. Since finding favour in his courts, our future has also become uncertain. As viscounts, we must be wise and decisive. Loyalty is to be upheld, but gaining favour among the people must be our priority, should there be a sudden shift in power. The aim of Viscounts of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing buildings, writing manuscripts, working in the castle and acquiring deeds for new land. Players begin with a handful of townsfolk, but should quickly seek out more suitable talents to advance their endeavours. Each turn they will be travelling around the kingdom, looking to increase their influence among the various areas of society. The game ends once the Kingdom reaches poverty or prosperity - or potentially both!

70,00 €*


Bestand: 1 Stück
Paladine des Westfrankenreichs
Das Westfrankenreich, etwa im Jahr 900 n. Chr.: Es herrschen turbulente Zeiten. Trotz kürzlicher Bestrebungen, die Stadt zu entwickeln, sind außerhalb liegende Stadtteile immer noch durch Fremde bedroht. Sarazenen spähen die Grenzen aus und Wikinger plündern Vieh und alles andere, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist. Auch die Byzantiner aus dem Osten zeigen sich von ihrer dunklen Seite. Zum Glück hat der König hat in seiner großen Weisheit seine besten Ritter ausgeschickt, um bei der Rettung der Stadt zu helfen. Also sattelt die Pferde und schärft eure Schwerter - die Paladine sind im Anmarsch! In Paladine des Westfrankenreichs setzen die Spieler ihre Arbeiter ein, um Außenposten als Garnison zu errichten, Befestigungen zu bauen, Mönchen zu entsenden und die Fremden zu konfrontieren. In jeder Runde beanspruchen die Spieler die Hilfe eines bestimmten Paladins und heuern Arbeiter an, um bestimmte Aufgaben zu erledigen. Im Laufe des Spiels gewinnen die Spieler nach und nach an Glauben, Stärke und Einfluss. Diese Eigenschaften sind nicht nur für die Schlusswertung wichtig, sondern auch von Bedeutung für die Aktionen, die ausgeführt werden können.

60,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Viscounts of the West Kingdom
Viscounts of the West Kingdom is set at a time when the King’s reign began to decline, circa 980 AD. Choosing peace over prosperity, our once strong King began offering our enemies gold and land to lay down their axes. But peace is a tenuous affair. As poverty spread, many people lost faith in his ability to lead and sought independence from the crown. Since finding favour in his courts, our future has also become uncertain. As viscounts, we must be wise and decisive. Loyalty is to be upheld, but gaining favour among the people must be our priority, should there be a sudden shift in power. The aim of Viscounts of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing buildings, writing manuscripts, working in the castle and acquiring deeds for new land. Players begin with a handful of townsfolk, but should quickly seek out more suitable talents to advance their endeavours. Each turn they will be travelling around the kingdom, looking to increase their influence among the various areas of society. The game ends once the Kingdom reaches poverty or prosperity - or potentially both!

70,00 €*


Bestand: 1 Stück
Paladine des Westfrankenreichs
Das Westfrankenreich, etwa im Jahr 900 n. Chr.: Es herrschen turbulente Zeiten. Trotz kürzlicher Bestrebungen, die Stadt zu entwickeln, sind außerhalb liegende Stadtteile immer noch durch Fremde bedroht. Sarazenen spähen die Grenzen aus und Wikinger plündern Vieh und alles andere, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist. Auch die Byzantiner aus dem Osten zeigen sich von ihrer dunklen Seite. Zum Glück hat der König hat in seiner großen Weisheit seine besten Ritter ausgeschickt, um bei der Rettung der Stadt zu helfen. Also sattelt die Pferde und schärft eure Schwerter - die Paladine sind im Anmarsch! In Paladine des Westfrankenreichs setzen die Spieler ihre Arbeiter ein, um Außenposten als Garnison zu errichten, Befestigungen zu bauen, Mönchen zu entsenden und die Fremden zu konfrontieren. In jeder Runde beanspruchen die Spieler die Hilfe eines bestimmten Paladins und heuern Arbeiter an, um bestimmte Aufgaben zu erledigen. Im Laufe des Spiels gewinnen die Spieler nach und nach an Glauben, Stärke und Einfluss. Diese Eigenschaften sind nicht nur für die Schlusswertung wichtig, sondern auch von Bedeutung für die Aktionen, die ausgeführt werden können.

60,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Architects of the West Kingdoms
Architects of the West Kingdom is set at the end of the Carolingian Empire, circa 850 AD. As royal architects, players compete to impress their King and maintain their noble status by constructing various landmarks throughout his newly appointed domain. Players need to collect raw materials, hire apprentices, and keep a watchful eye on their workforce. These are treacherous times, and rival architects will stop at nothing to slow your progress. Will you remain virtuous, or be found in the company of thieves and black marketeers? The aim of Architects of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing various buildings and advancing work on the Archbishop's cathedral. Throughout the game, players need to make a lot of moral decisions. However, only at game's end will their virtue be judged. A few underhanded deals here and there might not seem like much, but fall too far and you will be punished. The game ends once a set number of constructions have been completed.

69,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Viscounts of the West Kingdom
Viscounts of the West Kingdom is set at a time when the King’s reign began to decline, circa 980 AD. Choosing peace over prosperity, our once strong King began offering our enemies gold and land to lay down their axes. But peace is a tenuous affair. As poverty spread, many people lost faith in his ability to lead and sought independence from the crown. Since finding favour in his courts, our future has also become uncertain. As viscounts, we must be wise and decisive. Loyalty is to be upheld, but gaining favour among the people must be our priority, should there be a sudden shift in power. The aim of Viscounts of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing buildings, writing manuscripts, working in the castle and acquiring deeds for new land. Players begin with a handful of townsfolk, but should quickly seek out more suitable talents to advance their endeavours. Each turn they will be travelling around the kingdom, looking to increase their influence among the various areas of society. The game ends once the Kingdom reaches poverty or prosperity - or potentially both!

70,00 €*
Bestand: 2 Stück
Raiders of the North Sea Reprint
Raiders of the North Sea is set in the central years of the Viking Age. As Viking warriors, players seek to impress the Chieftain by raiding unsuspecting settlements. Players will need to assemble a crew, collect provisions and journey north to plunder gold, iron and livestock. There is glory to be found in battle, even at the hands of the Valkyrie. So gather your warriors, it’s raiding season! The aim of Raiders of the North Sea is to impress the Chieftain by having the most Victory Points (VP) at the game’s end. Victory Points are gained primarily by raiding Settlements, taking Plunder and making Offerings to the Chieftain. How players use their Plunder is also vital to their success. The game ends when either only 1 Fortress raid remains, all Valkyrie are removed, or all Offerings have been made.

65,00 €*


Bestand: 1 Stück
Paladine des Westfrankenreichs
Das Westfrankenreich, etwa im Jahr 900 n. Chr.: Es herrschen turbulente Zeiten. Trotz kürzlicher Bestrebungen, die Stadt zu entwickeln, sind außerhalb liegende Stadtteile immer noch durch Fremde bedroht. Sarazenen spähen die Grenzen aus und Wikinger plündern Vieh und alles andere, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist. Auch die Byzantiner aus dem Osten zeigen sich von ihrer dunklen Seite. Zum Glück hat der König hat in seiner großen Weisheit seine besten Ritter ausgeschickt, um bei der Rettung der Stadt zu helfen. Also sattelt die Pferde und schärft eure Schwerter - die Paladine sind im Anmarsch! In Paladine des Westfrankenreichs setzen die Spieler ihre Arbeiter ein, um Außenposten als Garnison zu errichten, Befestigungen zu bauen, Mönchen zu entsenden und die Fremden zu konfrontieren. In jeder Runde beanspruchen die Spieler die Hilfe eines bestimmten Paladins und heuern Arbeiter an, um bestimmte Aufgaben zu erledigen. Im Laufe des Spiels gewinnen die Spieler nach und nach an Glauben, Stärke und Einfluss. Diese Eigenschaften sind nicht nur für die Schlusswertung wichtig, sondern auch von Bedeutung für die Aktionen, die ausgeführt werden können.

60,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Architects of the West Kingdoms
Architects of the West Kingdom is set at the end of the Carolingian Empire, circa 850 AD. As royal architects, players compete to impress their King and maintain their noble status by constructing various landmarks throughout his newly appointed domain. Players need to collect raw materials, hire apprentices, and keep a watchful eye on their workforce. These are treacherous times, and rival architects will stop at nothing to slow your progress. Will you remain virtuous, or be found in the company of thieves and black marketeers? The aim of Architects of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing various buildings and advancing work on the Archbishop's cathedral. Throughout the game, players need to make a lot of moral decisions. However, only at game's end will their virtue be judged. A few underhanded deals here and there might not seem like much, but fall too far and you will be punished. The game ends once a set number of constructions have been completed.

69,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Viscounts of the West Kingdom
Viscounts of the West Kingdom is set at a time when the King’s reign began to decline, circa 980 AD. Choosing peace over prosperity, our once strong King began offering our enemies gold and land to lay down their axes. But peace is a tenuous affair. As poverty spread, many people lost faith in his ability to lead and sought independence from the crown. Since finding favour in his courts, our future has also become uncertain. As viscounts, we must be wise and decisive. Loyalty is to be upheld, but gaining favour among the people must be our priority, should there be a sudden shift in power. The aim of Viscounts of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing buildings, writing manuscripts, working in the castle and acquiring deeds for new land. Players begin with a handful of townsfolk, but should quickly seek out more suitable talents to advance their endeavours. Each turn they will be travelling around the kingdom, looking to increase their influence among the various areas of society. The game ends once the Kingdom reaches poverty or prosperity - or potentially both!

70,00 €*
Bestand: 2 Stück
Raiders of the North Sea Reprint
Raiders of the North Sea is set in the central years of the Viking Age. As Viking warriors, players seek to impress the Chieftain by raiding unsuspecting settlements. Players will need to assemble a crew, collect provisions and journey north to plunder gold, iron and livestock. There is glory to be found in battle, even at the hands of the Valkyrie. So gather your warriors, it’s raiding season! The aim of Raiders of the North Sea is to impress the Chieftain by having the most Victory Points (VP) at the game’s end. Victory Points are gained primarily by raiding Settlements, taking Plunder and making Offerings to the Chieftain. How players use their Plunder is also vital to their success. The game ends when either only 1 Fortress raid remains, all Valkyrie are removed, or all Offerings have been made.

65,00 €*


Bestand: 1 Stück
Paladine des Westfrankenreichs
Das Westfrankenreich, etwa im Jahr 900 n. Chr.: Es herrschen turbulente Zeiten. Trotz kürzlicher Bestrebungen, die Stadt zu entwickeln, sind außerhalb liegende Stadtteile immer noch durch Fremde bedroht. Sarazenen spähen die Grenzen aus und Wikinger plündern Vieh und alles andere, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist. Auch die Byzantiner aus dem Osten zeigen sich von ihrer dunklen Seite. Zum Glück hat der König hat in seiner großen Weisheit seine besten Ritter ausgeschickt, um bei der Rettung der Stadt zu helfen. Also sattelt die Pferde und schärft eure Schwerter - die Paladine sind im Anmarsch! In Paladine des Westfrankenreichs setzen die Spieler ihre Arbeiter ein, um Außenposten als Garnison zu errichten, Befestigungen zu bauen, Mönchen zu entsenden und die Fremden zu konfrontieren. In jeder Runde beanspruchen die Spieler die Hilfe eines bestimmten Paladins und heuern Arbeiter an, um bestimmte Aufgaben zu erledigen. Im Laufe des Spiels gewinnen die Spieler nach und nach an Glauben, Stärke und Einfluss. Diese Eigenschaften sind nicht nur für die Schlusswertung wichtig, sondern auch von Bedeutung für die Aktionen, die ausgeführt werden können.

60,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Architects of the West Kingdoms
Architects of the West Kingdom is set at the end of the Carolingian Empire, circa 850 AD. As royal architects, players compete to impress their King and maintain their noble status by constructing various landmarks throughout his newly appointed domain. Players need to collect raw materials, hire apprentices, and keep a watchful eye on their workforce. These are treacherous times, and rival architects will stop at nothing to slow your progress. Will you remain virtuous, or be found in the company of thieves and black marketeers? The aim of Architects of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing various buildings and advancing work on the Archbishop's cathedral. Throughout the game, players need to make a lot of moral decisions. However, only at game's end will their virtue be judged. A few underhanded deals here and there might not seem like much, but fall too far and you will be punished. The game ends once a set number of constructions have been completed.

69,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Viscounts of the West Kingdom
Viscounts of the West Kingdom is set at a time when the King’s reign began to decline, circa 980 AD. Choosing peace over prosperity, our once strong King began offering our enemies gold and land to lay down their axes. But peace is a tenuous affair. As poverty spread, many people lost faith in his ability to lead and sought independence from the crown. Since finding favour in his courts, our future has also become uncertain. As viscounts, we must be wise and decisive. Loyalty is to be upheld, but gaining favour among the people must be our priority, should there be a sudden shift in power. The aim of Viscounts of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing buildings, writing manuscripts, working in the castle and acquiring deeds for new land. Players begin with a handful of townsfolk, but should quickly seek out more suitable talents to advance their endeavours. Each turn they will be travelling around the kingdom, looking to increase their influence among the various areas of society. The game ends once the Kingdom reaches poverty or prosperity - or potentially both!

70,00 €*
Bestand: 2 Stück
Raiders of the North Sea Reprint
Raiders of the North Sea is set in the central years of the Viking Age. As Viking warriors, players seek to impress the Chieftain by raiding unsuspecting settlements. Players will need to assemble a crew, collect provisions and journey north to plunder gold, iron and livestock. There is glory to be found in battle, even at the hands of the Valkyrie. So gather your warriors, it’s raiding season! The aim of Raiders of the North Sea is to impress the Chieftain by having the most Victory Points (VP) at the game’s end. Victory Points are gained primarily by raiding Settlements, taking Plunder and making Offerings to the Chieftain. How players use their Plunder is also vital to their success. The game ends when either only 1 Fortress raid remains, all Valkyrie are removed, or all Offerings have been made.

65,00 €*


Bestand: 1 Stück
Paladine des Westfrankenreichs
Das Westfrankenreich, etwa im Jahr 900 n. Chr.: Es herrschen turbulente Zeiten. Trotz kürzlicher Bestrebungen, die Stadt zu entwickeln, sind außerhalb liegende Stadtteile immer noch durch Fremde bedroht. Sarazenen spähen die Grenzen aus und Wikinger plündern Vieh und alles andere, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist. Auch die Byzantiner aus dem Osten zeigen sich von ihrer dunklen Seite. Zum Glück hat der König hat in seiner großen Weisheit seine besten Ritter ausgeschickt, um bei der Rettung der Stadt zu helfen. Also sattelt die Pferde und schärft eure Schwerter - die Paladine sind im Anmarsch! In Paladine des Westfrankenreichs setzen die Spieler ihre Arbeiter ein, um Außenposten als Garnison zu errichten, Befestigungen zu bauen, Mönchen zu entsenden und die Fremden zu konfrontieren. In jeder Runde beanspruchen die Spieler die Hilfe eines bestimmten Paladins und heuern Arbeiter an, um bestimmte Aufgaben zu erledigen. Im Laufe des Spiels gewinnen die Spieler nach und nach an Glauben, Stärke und Einfluss. Diese Eigenschaften sind nicht nur für die Schlusswertung wichtig, sondern auch von Bedeutung für die Aktionen, die ausgeführt werden können.

60,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Architects of the West Kingdoms
Architects of the West Kingdom is set at the end of the Carolingian Empire, circa 850 AD. As royal architects, players compete to impress their King and maintain their noble status by constructing various landmarks throughout his newly appointed domain. Players need to collect raw materials, hire apprentices, and keep a watchful eye on their workforce. These are treacherous times, and rival architects will stop at nothing to slow your progress. Will you remain virtuous, or be found in the company of thieves and black marketeers? The aim of Architects of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing various buildings and advancing work on the Archbishop's cathedral. Throughout the game, players need to make a lot of moral decisions. However, only at game's end will their virtue be judged. A few underhanded deals here and there might not seem like much, but fall too far and you will be punished. The game ends once a set number of constructions have been completed.

69,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Viscounts of the West Kingdom
Viscounts of the West Kingdom is set at a time when the King’s reign began to decline, circa 980 AD. Choosing peace over prosperity, our once strong King began offering our enemies gold and land to lay down their axes. But peace is a tenuous affair. As poverty spread, many people lost faith in his ability to lead and sought independence from the crown. Since finding favour in his courts, our future has also become uncertain. As viscounts, we must be wise and decisive. Loyalty is to be upheld, but gaining favour among the people must be our priority, should there be a sudden shift in power. The aim of Viscounts of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing buildings, writing manuscripts, working in the castle and acquiring deeds for new land. Players begin with a handful of townsfolk, but should quickly seek out more suitable talents to advance their endeavours. Each turn they will be travelling around the kingdom, looking to increase their influence among the various areas of society. The game ends once the Kingdom reaches poverty or prosperity - or potentially both!

70,00 €*
Bestand: 2 Stück
Raiders of the North Sea Reprint
Raiders of the North Sea is set in the central years of the Viking Age. As Viking warriors, players seek to impress the Chieftain by raiding unsuspecting settlements. Players will need to assemble a crew, collect provisions and journey north to plunder gold, iron and livestock. There is glory to be found in battle, even at the hands of the Valkyrie. So gather your warriors, it’s raiding season! The aim of Raiders of the North Sea is to impress the Chieftain by having the most Victory Points (VP) at the game’s end. Victory Points are gained primarily by raiding Settlements, taking Plunder and making Offerings to the Chieftain. How players use their Plunder is also vital to their success. The game ends when either only 1 Fortress raid remains, all Valkyrie are removed, or all Offerings have been made.

65,00 €*


Bestand: 1 Stück
Paladine des Westfrankenreichs
Das Westfrankenreich, etwa im Jahr 900 n. Chr.: Es herrschen turbulente Zeiten. Trotz kürzlicher Bestrebungen, die Stadt zu entwickeln, sind außerhalb liegende Stadtteile immer noch durch Fremde bedroht. Sarazenen spähen die Grenzen aus und Wikinger plündern Vieh und alles andere, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist. Auch die Byzantiner aus dem Osten zeigen sich von ihrer dunklen Seite. Zum Glück hat der König hat in seiner großen Weisheit seine besten Ritter ausgeschickt, um bei der Rettung der Stadt zu helfen. Also sattelt die Pferde und schärft eure Schwerter - die Paladine sind im Anmarsch! In Paladine des Westfrankenreichs setzen die Spieler ihre Arbeiter ein, um Außenposten als Garnison zu errichten, Befestigungen zu bauen, Mönchen zu entsenden und die Fremden zu konfrontieren. In jeder Runde beanspruchen die Spieler die Hilfe eines bestimmten Paladins und heuern Arbeiter an, um bestimmte Aufgaben zu erledigen. Im Laufe des Spiels gewinnen die Spieler nach und nach an Glauben, Stärke und Einfluss. Diese Eigenschaften sind nicht nur für die Schlusswertung wichtig, sondern auch von Bedeutung für die Aktionen, die ausgeführt werden können.

60,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Architects of the West Kingdoms
Architects of the West Kingdom is set at the end of the Carolingian Empire, circa 850 AD. As royal architects, players compete to impress their King and maintain their noble status by constructing various landmarks throughout his newly appointed domain. Players need to collect raw materials, hire apprentices, and keep a watchful eye on their workforce. These are treacherous times, and rival architects will stop at nothing to slow your progress. Will you remain virtuous, or be found in the company of thieves and black marketeers? The aim of Architects of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing various buildings and advancing work on the Archbishop's cathedral. Throughout the game, players need to make a lot of moral decisions. However, only at game's end will their virtue be judged. A few underhanded deals here and there might not seem like much, but fall too far and you will be punished. The game ends once a set number of constructions have been completed.

69,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Viscounts of the West Kingdom
Viscounts of the West Kingdom is set at a time when the King’s reign began to decline, circa 980 AD. Choosing peace over prosperity, our once strong King began offering our enemies gold and land to lay down their axes. But peace is a tenuous affair. As poverty spread, many people lost faith in his ability to lead and sought independence from the crown. Since finding favour in his courts, our future has also become uncertain. As viscounts, we must be wise and decisive. Loyalty is to be upheld, but gaining favour among the people must be our priority, should there be a sudden shift in power. The aim of Viscounts of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing buildings, writing manuscripts, working in the castle and acquiring deeds for new land. Players begin with a handful of townsfolk, but should quickly seek out more suitable talents to advance their endeavours. Each turn they will be travelling around the kingdom, looking to increase their influence among the various areas of society. The game ends once the Kingdom reaches poverty or prosperity - or potentially both!

70,00 €*
Bestand: 2 Stück
Raiders of the North Sea Reprint
Raiders of the North Sea is set in the central years of the Viking Age. As Viking warriors, players seek to impress the Chieftain by raiding unsuspecting settlements. Players will need to assemble a crew, collect provisions and journey north to plunder gold, iron and livestock. There is glory to be found in battle, even at the hands of the Valkyrie. So gather your warriors, it’s raiding season! The aim of Raiders of the North Sea is to impress the Chieftain by having the most Victory Points (VP) at the game’s end. Victory Points are gained primarily by raiding Settlements, taking Plunder and making Offerings to the Chieftain. How players use their Plunder is also vital to their success. The game ends when either only 1 Fortress raid remains, all Valkyrie are removed, or all Offerings have been made.

65,00 €*


Bestand: 1 Stück
Paladine des Westfrankenreichs
Das Westfrankenreich, etwa im Jahr 900 n. Chr.: Es herrschen turbulente Zeiten. Trotz kürzlicher Bestrebungen, die Stadt zu entwickeln, sind außerhalb liegende Stadtteile immer noch durch Fremde bedroht. Sarazenen spähen die Grenzen aus und Wikinger plündern Vieh und alles andere, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist. Auch die Byzantiner aus dem Osten zeigen sich von ihrer dunklen Seite. Zum Glück hat der König hat in seiner großen Weisheit seine besten Ritter ausgeschickt, um bei der Rettung der Stadt zu helfen. Also sattelt die Pferde und schärft eure Schwerter - die Paladine sind im Anmarsch! In Paladine des Westfrankenreichs setzen die Spieler ihre Arbeiter ein, um Außenposten als Garnison zu errichten, Befestigungen zu bauen, Mönchen zu entsenden und die Fremden zu konfrontieren. In jeder Runde beanspruchen die Spieler die Hilfe eines bestimmten Paladins und heuern Arbeiter an, um bestimmte Aufgaben zu erledigen. Im Laufe des Spiels gewinnen die Spieler nach und nach an Glauben, Stärke und Einfluss. Diese Eigenschaften sind nicht nur für die Schlusswertung wichtig, sondern auch von Bedeutung für die Aktionen, die ausgeführt werden können.

60,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Architects of the West Kingdoms
Architects of the West Kingdom is set at the end of the Carolingian Empire, circa 850 AD. As royal architects, players compete to impress their King and maintain their noble status by constructing various landmarks throughout his newly appointed domain. Players need to collect raw materials, hire apprentices, and keep a watchful eye on their workforce. These are treacherous times, and rival architects will stop at nothing to slow your progress. Will you remain virtuous, or be found in the company of thieves and black marketeers? The aim of Architects of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing various buildings and advancing work on the Archbishop's cathedral. Throughout the game, players need to make a lot of moral decisions. However, only at game's end will their virtue be judged. A few underhanded deals here and there might not seem like much, but fall too far and you will be punished. The game ends once a set number of constructions have been completed.

69,00 €*
Bestand: 1 Stück
Viscounts of the West Kingdom
Viscounts of the West Kingdom is set at a time when the King’s reign began to decline, circa 980 AD. Choosing peace over prosperity, our once strong King began offering our enemies gold and land to lay down their axes. But peace is a tenuous affair. As poverty spread, many people lost faith in his ability to lead and sought independence from the crown. Since finding favour in his courts, our future has also become uncertain. As viscounts, we must be wise and decisive. Loyalty is to be upheld, but gaining favour among the people must be our priority, should there be a sudden shift in power. The aim of Viscounts of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by constructing buildings, writing manuscripts, working in the castle and acquiring deeds for new land. Players begin with a handful of townsfolk, but should quickly seek out more suitable talents to advance their endeavours. Each turn they will be travelling around the kingdom, looking to increase their influence among the various areas of society. The game ends once the Kingdom reaches poverty or prosperity - or potentially both!

70,00 €*
Bestand: 2 Stück
Raiders of the North Sea Reprint
Raiders of the North Sea is set in the central years of the Viking Age. As Viking warriors, players seek to impress the Chieftain by raiding unsuspecting settlements. Players will need to assemble a crew, collect provisions and journey north to plunder gold, iron and livestock. There is glory to be found in battle, even at the hands of the Valkyrie. So gather your warriors, it’s raiding season! The aim of Raiders of the North Sea is to impress the Chieftain by having the most Victory Points (VP) at the game’s end. Victory Points are gained primarily by raiding Settlements, taking Plunder and making Offerings to the Chieftain. How players use their Plunder is also vital to their success. The game ends when either only 1 Fortress raid remains, all Valkyrie are removed, or all Offerings have been made.

65,00 €*